Tummy Shapewear for Different Occasions: From Daily Wear to Special Events
A bulging belly is an issue for many people. Sometimes, they gain weight on the tummy because of junk food. On the other hand, some people gain weight because of pregnancies and health issues.
However, you can use the lower tummy shapewear to look better. The shapewear will conceal this extra weight, so you look amazing. In addition, you will feel better about your body. This will help increase your confidence levels.
So, if you want to buy tummy shapewear, you’ve to understand that there are different options for different occasions. In this article, we are sharing a few pieces from Shapellx.
Butt Lifting Shapewear with Adjustable Crotch
This is a good option for casual and regular use. It will give a proper shape to your waist by compressing your body. In addition, your butt will be lifted. The good thing is that this shapewear can support the thighs very easily. It promises a seamless look, so you can wear it under your regular clothes.
It has a high waist design. This means it will help shape your body during workouts. Shapellx has used the pull-up design. This means your midsection will get the compression. As a result, your figure will look pretty sexy.
Butt Lifter Shapewear with Lace Details
If you want drastic results, this butt lifter shapewear is the right choice. It has a three-layer design, which increases the compression. In addition to high compression on the tummy, the open bust makes you look sexy. In fact, it allows you to use your bra. For instance, it will father the chest, so it looks sexy (yes, the cleavage will look amazing).
There is an open crotch design, which makes it easy to use the bathroom. Also, we love the lace detailing on the thigh. This makes it a good choice for special occasions.
Built-In Shapewear 2-In-1 Mesh Top with V-Neck
This is a two-in-one choice, so you can use it for special occasions. You will look stylish and slim. It has an outer top, and the bodysuit is stitched right into it. As a result, your tummy will be controlled. Shapellx has used mesh material, which promises maximum comfort and breathability.
There are ruched details on this tummy control bodysuit. It will help create a smooth look because there are no lumps and bumps. Also, you get the removable chest pads, so you can adjust how your chest will look. Last but not least, you can easily skip the panties because the crotch has a cotton design.
Shapewear 2-in-1 with Overlapping V-Neck Top
This is the last option of today but it is the best one. It has the stretch and comfort you need. In addition, it has a shapewear under the bodysuit, which gives a slimming experience. We love the unique structure because it increases the elasticity. It has mesh controls as well, which help shape the waist. In addition, the removable cups are available for chest support.
Apparently, by using Shapellx shapewear, it can shape certain areas of the female body to look fuller and make women more confident with all their advantages.
ReplyDeleteShapewear sangat membantu perempuan berpenampilan lebih langsing singset. Menambah kepercayaan diri dengan badan yang maunya sih seperti gitar Spanyol ya hehehe. Bahannya berkualitas jadi nyaman dipakai, ga gerah. Pilihan warna netral seperti hitam, krem itu bagus banget.
ReplyDeleteI have this problem. Indeed, a bloated stomach is a problem for many people. So I use lower stomach shapewear to make it look better and will help increase my confidence.
ReplyDeleteBagian perut itu emang susah susah gampang ya menyembunyikan nya. Kalau pakai gamis mungkin gak begitu terlihat tapi kalau pakai celana ya tampak juga. Pakai shapewear penampilan jadi makin sempurna ya. Mau pakai baju apapun tetap bagian perut bisa dikondisikan
ReplyDeletebener banget mbak, bagian perut yang pernah di diami bayik, kalau sekarang didiami tumpukan lemak tuh emang susah buat disembunyikan
DeleteNah yang paling atas tuh agak sopan jadi kalau dalam rumah gak terlalu seksi
ReplyDeleteSoalnya meski cuma ada suami dan anak-anak, anak-anak juga harus tetap lihat ortunya berpakaian tertutup supaya gak terbiasa buka buka
Sepertinya saat dipadukan dengan outer cardigan dan legging juga masih bisa ya. Sehingga kalo misalnya mau dipakai di luar rumah tetep anggun dan sopan
ReplyDeleteKalau udah ngomongin body gimana gitu. Merasa diri ini kurang pede. Kayaknya perlu shapwear ini deh. Kayaknya cocok Butt Lifting Shapewear with Adjustable Crotch. Bisa menyesuaikan bentuk badan yang udah melebar ke mana-mana, dan bisa digunakan sesering mungkin.
ReplyDeleteMasalah perut yang tidak rata ini memang jadi momok emak-emak ya dan memang kalau pakai shape wear kayak gini membantu banget agar bentuk tubuh kita lebih terlihat menarik terutama jika menggunakan shapewear yang nyaman di badan.
ReplyDeleteAku suka yang gambar pertama. Bisa dipake nih sama ibu2 kayak aku untuk di rumah. Bisa juga nih untuk ikut kelas pilates vi zoom. Bahanny juga nyman ya kayaknya
ReplyDeleteFriendly bgt untuk berbagai bentuk body perempuan yaaa. Cocok buat daleman untuk membantu postur yang lebih baik, memperbaiki struktur tulang belakang juga biar nggak gampang sakit pinggang, heheh
ReplyDeleteSeneng ya kalau pakai daleman yang bisa membuat badan jadi langsingan. Auto pede kalau mau pakai baju apa saja
ReplyDeleteAsik perut kelihatan rata dan six pack. Oh bahagianya apalagi kalau pakai kebaya
ReplyDeleteBuilt-In Shapewear 2-In-1 Mesh Top with V-Neck absolutely grab my attention!
ReplyDeleteNo doubt I will look stylish and slim!
Wanna bet?
What about you Mom Ida, which one of those tummy shapewear is your favorit?
pengen punya satu biar badanku makin ideal :D
ReplyDeleteSuka banget sama Shapewear ini
ReplyDeleteBisa bikin nadan kelihatan shape
Nampak sexy gitu ya
Jadi percaya diri deh
Dengan desain tiga lapis bisa membuat si pemakainya makin nyaman ya dengn shapewear ini
ReplyDeleteMenggunakan shape wear gini tuh bagus kalau menurutku, karena memang jadi membuat badan kita juga lebih terjaga ya. Apalagi kalau mau pakai baju tertentu agak lemak berlebih tak terlihat ini.
ReplyDeleteShapewear is a mainstay these days as there are many styles and colours to choose from. If the material is comfortable, then it can also be worn daily according to the needs of the desired appearance.
ReplyDeleteDengan menggunakan shapewear ini bentuk tubuh jadi makin slim ya. Dan juga terasa nyaman sekali saat digunakan. Terima kasih atas informasinya
ReplyDeleteBuat kita yang tak lagi muda dan bentuk badan udah gak secakep dulu, kayaknya memang perlu shapewear ini deh. Ditambah rajin olahraga biar body goalnya terwujud.
ReplyDeleteAku lagi perlu shapewear banget deh ini. Maklum, abis lahiran perut masih belum balik asal niih.
ReplyDeleteHmmm indeed, I guess stomach area is a sensitive area for women, especially those who become emak2 hehe. I think my flabby stomach can be hidden with clothes like that. It will make me looks more slim and pretty hehehee.
ReplyDeleteBodynya bohai kayak aku nih. Berarti body suitnya muat juga di aku. Bisa membentuk body supaya gak gempal amat ya wkwk.
ReplyDeleteBikin perut sedikit mengempis
ReplyDeleteMeski memang warnanya tidak sebanyak pada umumnya
Tapi sangat worthed banget buat dipakai sesuai tujuannya
Pilihan shapewearnya bagus-bagus, nih. Bisa pilih sesuai kebutuhan dan paling penting nyaman saat dikenakan.
ReplyDeletePerut saya buncit dengan pinggul yang lebar, sepertinya ini cocok deh, tapi apakah tidak bikin sesak? Soalnya saya pakai pakaian dalam yang biasa saja, suka sesak lebih suka tidak pakai pakaian dalam dan langsung dasteran. Tapi itu kalau mau hadiri pesta, barulah sibuk cari stagen hahaha. Ngap beberapa jam di pesta bolehlah.
ReplyDeletemenggunakan body shapewear untuk ke pesta membantu banget, pakaian yang digunakan bakalan terlihat sexy juga.
ReplyDeleteIbukku juga pake, tapi seringnya cuman di rumah aja