Are you confused of choosing shirt or dress because having a big body? Actually there are many fashion tricks that can be used, so you will look slimmer and sexier. There are more and more choices of clothes and accessories so that you can choose, so that you look thinner.
In choosing an outfit you must have confidence. Don't hesitate to wear good quality dress, if fit fits and make you feel comfortable. Even though you are fat, it doesn't mean you can't look fashionable. For parties, wear shaping dress to make your body look slimmer.
1. Choose Dark Color Clothes or Dress
Dark color clothes or dress are perfect for hiding a chubby belly. You don't need to hesitate to buy a black dress. Dark colors are great for hiding fat and make body’s silhouette.
But when shopping, don't just buy black ones. Another dark colors like maroon or navy blue are also suitable for you to wear. You will be more beautiful and slimmer with the right color of dress.
2. Wear Sweat-Absorbing Clothes
Choose sweat-absorbing clothes like shapewear dress because they were made of good quality spandex. A shapewear dress makes you feel comfortable and more fashionable, without getting too hot. If your body is fat, nothing forbids you to wear this dress. This outfit makes you look slimmer and more stunning.
3. Do Not Wear Double Clothes
Wearing shirts, sweaters and jackets at the same time will make you look fatter, especially if the fabric is thick. Don't wear two or three layers of clothes at once if it's not winter. Especially if the color doesn't match, like a red shirt worn with a dark blue shirt and a green scarf.
You will look unfashionable and weird while wearing double or even triple clothes. Wearing double clothes is a crazy choice, especially at summer. You will look fatter because the layers of fabric are piled up. Therefore, wear only 1 shirt, and wear a jacket if the weather is cold.
4. Choose Stiletto Shoes
If you want to look slim and tall then don't wear flat sandals. But choose high heels or stilettos. Stiletto shoes will make your feet look smaller and slimmer. Make sure the color matches, so if the dress is black, wear black stiletto shoes. Don’t choose any other color because it will look weird.
5. Wear Body Shaping Dresses
Nowadays, fat women can wear dresses, especially body shaping dresses, which are not only beautiful but also make them slimmer. This dress is designed so you look thinner and more confident. The size is also up to 4XL so it will fit for those of you who are plus size women.
Buying clothes for obese women should not be careless. You have to choose sweat-absorb clothes and comfortable to be wore. Then, you have to choose dark colors dress like black. Its function is to make the body silhouette looks slimmer. I use Popilush which has so many gorgeous model of dress and body suit and makes the body look slimmer. I am sure that you also love Popilush.
Though I agree about wearing high heel shoes such as stiletto, but I hardly wear them. True, it shapes our body to look taller, slimmer, but the pain is excruciating. I think I will opt for body shaping dresses :)
ReplyDeleteJadi kelihatan langsing dan singset ya kalau kita pakai produk body shapping. Trus sepatunya pilih stiletto. Tapi masih kepo juga kenapa high heel dikalahkan stiletto ya? By the way, paling aman sih aku biasanya pakai dress yang berawrna gelap seperti yang dituliskan di atas.
ReplyDeleteWarna gelap memang memberi efek lebih ramping dari aslinya. Aku sering liat orang-orang yang memiliki tubuh (maaf) besar pakai baju dengan pilihan warna hitam dan biru tua (dongker) mulu. Kukira ga ganti baju, ternyata buat memberi kesan kurusan.
ReplyDeleteSaya gak pede pakai baju ketat begitu. Tapi, warna hitam memang pengaruh banget untuk menyamarkan, ya. Berasa jadi lebih langsing kalau pakai warna gelap
ReplyDeleteaku tuh jadi penasaran gimana kalau pakai produknya popilush. Cara pakainya khusus supaya tubuh terlihat slimmer dalam waktu instan. Bukan buat dipamerin ke khalayak, mau buat suami dan kepuasan diri sendiri aja, hehe
ReplyDeleteStory my friend,when she use this isi. When she sit down, it make her stomach not feel good. Sometime feel pain. But Whe she walk or stand up its look usefull and make her style fit and good.
ReplyDeleteWarna favorit sih black ini.. selain terlihat ramping lebih minimalis aja tidak mencolok. Sexy di rumah bisa lah yaa hehe pengen coba juga
ReplyDeleteaku pernah mba pakai produk seperti popilush ini, dan cukup efektif membuat tubuh jadi lebih ramping
ReplyDeleteSo agree. Dark colour can help. But my face look fat. Haha. Thats why, I always take a photo with different angle than usual people. When I read this article.. I want to buy Stiletto Shoes. Maybe it can make me look better
ReplyDeleteUmur segini, aku pakai bodyshaping pas nikahan anak..Hahaha..Emang beberapa centimerter lebih kecil pinggannya, dan lontong sana-sini enggak nongol. Emang enak sih berasa lebih cantik. Cuma belum pernah pakai Popilush :)
ReplyDeleteTapi kadang aku kalau pakai kebaya selalu menggunakan bantuan bustier, karena diakan seperti pakaian dalam nih tapi mengencangkan bagian perut juga. Heheheeee
ReplyDeleteSalah satu alasan mengapa isi lemari saya nyaris hitam semua ya salah satunya untuk menyamarkan bentuk tubuh :D
ReplyDeleteAku pengen juga terlihat langsing, bukan untuk orang lain, tapi buat diri sendiri. Kalau BB pas, aktivitas juga enak sih. Otw nyari shapewear kali ya
ReplyDeleteKu termasuk pemakai body shaping dresses..biar makin pede mengingat makin matang usia makin lebar badannya huwaa. Mau coba Popilush ah
ReplyDeleteCocok banget nih Buat yang mau langsing pakai ini sehingga lebih langsing dan kelihatan makin cantik
ReplyDeleteNampaknya aku perlu produk ini deh
ReplyDeleteBiar terlihat rampingnya
Terlihat langsing dalam sekejap
Yang terakhir gaun pembentuk tubuh lumayan banget menunjang ya bikin kita lebih langsing .. aku juga suka banget warna hitam soh mba labih kelihatan kurus dan elegant
ReplyDeleteitulah mengapa menggunakan pakaian hitam itu bisa bikin slim yaa. and I love black dress mbak, kalau saya sih karena mudah padu padannya hihihi bisa masuk ke semua warna kerudung
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips, but one thing I'm sure, I can't use stiletto, my dear. I got pain at my leg while using this one. Anyway other tips are okay for me.
ReplyDeleteYes setuju sama poin pertama, baju hitam membuat pemakainya jadi terlihat lebih kurus. Warna hitam ini nggak menyerap dan memantulkan cahaya, jadi semisal baju kelihatan kusut pun nggak masalah. Dan yang paling aku suka, kalau pakai baju warna hitam garis tubuh kesannya jadi lebih rapi, gitu ~
ReplyDeleteIyaa warna gelap itu ampuh banget menyamarkan bodi gede ya jadi terlihat lebih ramping, dan sebaliknya warna cerah bisa mengekspos ukuran tubuh kita lebih jelas
ReplyDeleteIni kayaknya bahannya nyaman ya ga bikin gerah jadi enak dipakainya. Jadi lebih singset kalau pakai body shaping
ReplyDeleteI tend to choose dark color to for workout outfit because it can make me looks slimmer and it gives me more confident to workout among the crowd
ReplyDeleteI love black!! All of my dress at home are black. As simple as I don't want it to look dirt especially when I take Gendis outside and suddenly have an accident that might be make my dress dirty and it isn't show in my dress and I love it
ReplyDeletei like reading your good tips in your artikel. Thks 4all sista🥰